Field Trip To Sacramento Hyperbarics
Twenty-eight fourth-term Respiratory Therapy students and two faculty members from the Rancho Cordova campus visited Sacramento Hyperbarics, a privately-owned hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) clinic recently. They were treated to an overview of the history of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, learned about the various diseases and injuries whose treatment benefits from HBOT, as well as reimbursement strategies.
Two patients consented to being observed by the students during their treatment sessions. Another patient volunteered to speak to the students about his personal experience with HBOT.
The students were then introduced to George Visger, a former member of the San Francisco 49’ers and Super Bowl winner. George is a biologist and advocate for Traumatic Brain Injury. Because of the multiple brain injuries he sustained over the course of his football career, George underwent extensive treatments with HBOT, which greatly aided his recovery. He now travels around the country, speaking to various medical groups and others, in an effort to raise awareness of the benefits of HBOT for the treatment of traumatic brain injury. George spoke to the students at length, which made the field trip event more memorable for everyone.
We are grateful for the generous welcome we received from Sacramento Hyperbarics and their patients. We look forward to visiting them again with future cohorts.
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