SJVC Easter Celebrations Were Eggcellent!
It was all about the children, as many SJVC campuses flew Easter colors, donned a bunny costume or two, and performed services of good will for many families.

The Bakersfield campus welcomed students and their families to an afternoon of food and fun activities on April 17th that included a 68 foot obstacle course, tug-of-war competitions, ping pong and an Easter egg hunt that had children of all ages scrambling to find the brightly colored treasures, well hidden by the ASB members who hosted the event.
The obstacle course attracted lots of students who were competing to get the fastest completion time. Congratulations to Riquelmo Reyes for his fleet-footed time of fifteen seconds, as well as to Adrian Andrade who ran a close second, at seventeen seconds.
Bakersfield got into the spirit of Easter a few weeks earlier when their Financial Aid Department collected supplies for and assembled 100 Easter bags for children living at the Bakersfield Rescue Mission.
Not to be outdone, the Visalia campus sponsored their first Easter Egg Hunt for students and their children. With support from ENACTUS and the Pharmacy Tech Club, Student Services was able to host the day for over 70-kids.
“We wanted to bring the fun to the Visalia campus,” says Elisia Sanchez, Student Resource Coordinator. “Plus, it was a great way for the kids to see first-hand where Mommy or Daddy goes to school.”
Before the egg hunt began, the children got to color and dazzle Easter crafts and enjoy a personal meet-and-greet with the Easter Bunny.
There were three age groups for each hunt to help younger children face pretty even competition.
“Because we didn’t want to leave out older kids, we had a movie playing on the big screen TVs in the student lounge for them to enjoy,” says Elisia.
Some of the Easter egg hunters got a nice surprise when they found eggs with raffle tickets inside. They had great fun claiming their prizes from the raffle ticket booth.
In the spirit of Easter, seven students, the Dean of Student Services and Leticia Gutierrez, Administrative Assistant to the Dean on the Ontario campus volunteered to help assemble care packages for mothers and grandmothers, as part of Feed the Children.
The April 16th project is part of an effort to encourage SJVC students to participate in community outreach and volunteerism.
On March 28th SJVC’s Lancaster campus held their 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt where staff, faculty, students and their children got to connect and keep the campus’s family atmosphere at the forefront. Children were able to hunt for eggs and enjoy arts and crafts.
Lots of photos were taken amid squeals of laughter, screams of delight and mouths full of food.
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