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Students at San Joaquin Valley College in Fresno Participate in Children’s Hospital’s Kids Day!

May 30, 2024

Students at the San Joaquin Valley College campus in Fresno got the chance to expand their medical, business and technical program education with valuable experience in community service when many volunteered recently for Valley Children’s Hospital’s annual Kids Day newspaper sales.

This was the hospital’s 37th Kid’s Day event that provides revenue for young patients’ greatest medical needs. This year’s fundraiser was focused on the hospital’s Hematology Department where their young patient and spokesperson, Jeremy, shared his story of physical trauma and a series of life-saving blood transfusions. This once-a-year newspaper also features compelling stories and photos of young patients whose lives are forever heightened – and frequently saved – as a Valley Children’s patient.

San Joaquin Valley College’s Fresno campus has participated in Valley Children’s ‘Kids Day’ for several years. The campus has their student volunteer recruitment system down. Jerry Franksen, SJVC’s Fresno campus Dean of Student Affairs, initiated this year’s Kid’s Day volunteer recruitment on the Fresno campus by promoting it through emails and classroom visits.

“We highlighted this event on campus for several weeks, asking students to participate for a good cause,” says Jerry. He generated considerable student support and enthusiasm.

“We did some brainstorming in our Student Council meetings on how we might recruit students to participate,” says Andrea Hill, Medical Office Administration student, who was also instrumental in organizing SJVC student volunteers. There was a team effort.

Jerry got clearance for student volunteers and organized the distribution stations and supplies dynamic. There would be two busy intersections to cover at multiple corners. He also made sure every student volunteer had an orange ‘Kids Day’ vest, a sufficient quantity of Special Edition newspapers to wave for sale/donations as cars passed and, as the pre-dawn morning turned ominous, SJVC volunteers without an umbrella were provided with a quickly acquired plastic poncho.

“We wanted prime locations at busy intersections, and we were out there early while it was still dark to claim them,” says Jerry. “Most student volunteers would do a 2-hours shift then go back to the college for classes; but some stayed 4-hours,” he explained. Students volunteered to stand in groups of 2-3 at designated street corners with signage and stacks of newspapers to give to passersby for a minimum $2.00 donation.

Around three dozen SJVC students signed up for one of three-location intersections of shifts that started at 6:00 AM. It was a cold and rainy morning, selling special edition ‘Kids Day’ newspapers. “The rain might have helped us out a little bit, because people felt so bad we were out there in it with our newspapers,” says Andrea.

SJVC worked in teams of three at designated street corners, waving newspapers at cars as they entered, paused or stopped at their intersections. “One lady stopped, said she was running late for work and gave me all the change and bills she had in her wallet,” says Andrea. It’s really good to know that there are people out there with a good heart who want to donate to others.”

The most generous donation of the day came from someone who seemingly planned to make his contribution earlier that morning, for this cause. “A gentleman handed a hundred-dollar bill to one of SJVC’s volunteers! Others gave five-dollar bills, tens and a few twenties,” says Andrea. “It was great!”

There was a lot of feel-good in this community support event. “We should always push ourselves, always give,” says Andrea. What goes around comes around – what you give comes back. But do it because you have a good heart and want to give.”

“Many of our students said they were happy they had the opportunity to participate and were glad SJVC does something like this,” says Jerry. “Many had been patients or had family members who had been a patient at Valley Childrens and felt it was important for them to give back.”

This year SJVC’s Fresno campus raised $2,878.45 toward the hospital’s community-wide goal of $400,000, earning the college First Place in its Community College category on the volunteer list. Valley Children’s Kids Day collected over $100,000. in on-the-street newspaper sales and, with online collections, surpassed their $400,000 goal.

SJVC is proud to participate in this important community event. It is an occasion to introduce students to the importance of volunteerism and the power of community spirit. And it has an education component. “SJVC also focuses on the professional development of our students,” says Jerry. “It also focuses on leadership skills and how to communicate with strangers. It empowers our students to identify that not only does it feels good to give, but it is important to be part of something bigger and to help make positive change happen.”

San Joaquin Valley College makes community support a priority and gives each of their students the framework, guidance and opportunity to cultivate that concept as well.

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