Students save 93 lives with blood donations
Most people do not stop to think that actual lives are saved or strengthened by their donation of blood, or that their contribution will likely save three of them. Three people they will never meet will feel grateful for their effort, time and, yes, that small pinch of a needle.
Students from all programs on the Bakersfield campus rolled up their sleeves and gave their life’s blood freely during their ‘Be True to Your School’ blood drive for the Houchin Blood Drive on August 12th.
“The highlight was seeing such a diversity of programs out there donating, from Medical Office Assisting, Criminal Justice, CAMA to business students coming together as a group to donate,” says Liz Peisner, Dean of Student Services. “It was a wonderful visual and really nice to see that community spirit.”
Students who signed up to donate blood got to enjoy a dress-down day that announced their community spirit. “Students wore their SJVC pride with SJVC logo-wear or colors and wore their bandages proudly,” says Peisner, a self-described pom-pom shaker of school spirit.
The Houchin Community Blood Bank had hoped to gain 28 pints of blood from SJVC’s on-campus drive, but was happy to go over goal with a total of 31 pints.
Medical Assisting student Daisy Torres did not initially volunteer to donate blood, but decided to participate as a walk-in. “I was ready because I like to draw blood and have my blood drawn in class,” she says. But when she saw the larger needle used, she had momentary second thoughts.
“I was scared,” says Daisy. “But I thought, I’ve gotten this far, so I’ll go through with it.”
The nurse helped Daisy through her initial anxiety, and three more lives were saved.
SJVC hosts two or three blood drives for the Houchin Community Blood Bank each year, and their contributions are always fully appreciated.
Students participate in this completely voluntary blood donation for many reasons.
“I’ve always helped in the community with after school programs, at the animal shelter and homeless shelter,” says Daisy, who always wanted to donate blood, but couldn’t until a year had passed since getting her tattoo. The wait time is a safety precaution blood centers uphold to prevent possible infection from the tattoo process.
SJVC encourages students to participate in any community service that they care to support. “SJVC emphasizes how vital it is to not only be an excellent student, but an excellent citizen,” says Peisner. “That is expressed through community participation – you are looking out for your neighbor.”
SJVC students on all campuses are always eager to rally together in support of a bigger cause. “It’s a great opportunity and encourages you to get involved in the community,” says Daisy.
“Whether it is donating blood, clothes or time, it is helping those in need,” says Peisner.
SJVC Bakersfield is on it.